Strategic Advice for new players in APAC's energy industry

As the world experiences rising climate change concerns and the need for sustainable energy solutions increases, APAC – with its diverse country profiles and some of the world’s fastest-growing economies – has ambitious renewable energy goals that require short-term action and long-term planning. New players entering the sector are at a distinct disadvantage given their lack of deep domain knowledge and power systems engineering expertise.


Additional challenges, particularly in the APAC region, involve meeting ambitious 2030 renewable energy goals and attending to increasing interest and investments in renewable energy generation. This means balancing short-term delivery with strategic forecasting. Transition, expansion, and modernization projects within the industry are often complex, extensive, and expensive. For new players, navigating the industry will be less bumpy and more successful with support from a dexterous strategic advisor who uses a phased approach that includes future planning and future-proofing.

This white paper lays out some of the considerations for emerging participants, offering insights into the unique landscape of the APAC energy industry in transition. It points out the potential cost of going it alone, instead advocating for partnering with an experienced strategic advisor.

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